11 gifts you can give while avoiding the Black Friday mess



Black Friday as a concept is crazy to me. I don’t get it. Why do we put so much priority on giving material gifts as opposed to gifts that actually mean something. And the fact that Black Friday now starts on Thursday absolutely chaps my ass. I will not be participating in this atrocity and hope it goes away even faster than it came about.

Not being one to simply point out problems, I also have given some thought to potential solutions. Here is a list of “gifts” you can give that you can not purchase during a Black Friday Sale (even if you started camping out last week like some people have):

10. Form a Photo album- With the sheer amount of photos we have of each other on our phones, on Facebook and in old envelopes, this should be a no-brainer. Pick out some good ones and make a small book. Nothing brings smiles to people’s faces like photos of time gone past that was worth remembering.

9. Orchestrate a Mix tape- Yes, I’m that old that I still call them mix tapes. You can make a mix disk, or a playlist if you’re fancy. Whatever the case, take some of your favorite music, and even better, music that you both love and share it. Music is such a great way to bond and with this shared gift, you will be able to bond again and again.

8. Plant a tree- This is good for the environment and it’s great for creating memories. As an added bonus, it becomes the gift that keeps on giving as you nurture it and watch it grow. 

7. Make a meal- It doesn’t have to be turkey with all the trimmings, it could be as simple as scrambled eggs with cheese (thanks to my lovely daughter for making that on my birthday last week). You will quickly notice a theme in the post, even the execution of these gifts is less important than the intent behind them.

6. Create a Collage- Take some of those pictures off of Facebook, or leaves from the yard, or other personal items that you have collected with your loved one(s) and arrange them on a large piece of construction paper. The story it tells doesn’t matter as long as it shares one about shared experiences.

5. Write or play a song- Don’t know how? Sweet, you’re like many other “Youtube sensations”. Just put together some words, make a nice melody and let it rip. Can’t play an instrument? No worries, sing it acapella. Sometimes, funny is good.

4. Give a Massage- Certainly not appropriate for everyone on your gift-giving list, but for those who are, few things say I care more than some quality touching. (note to self, not all massages with your spouse have to end in sex. They should, but they don’t have to)

3. Create Art- I can’t draw, sing, play an instrument, paint, make sculptures or pretty much anything else that seems artistic, but I can write some cheesy poetry. And you know what? That’s a form of art too. Whatever you’ve got, will be enough to brighten someone’s day.

2. Be of Service- Make a “date” to go do something nice for someone else. This could be a night at the soup kitchen or reading a story at the elderly care home or coaching a little league team. Whatever you do make sure it involves more than just you. Extra points if you can recruit some of your friends/family to serve with you.

1.5 Gift some Donations- What a wonderful way to leave a legacy…give to something bigger than you and the person you are giving to. You both win in this scenario.

1. Be generous with your Time- By far the most important one on the list. This is the only thing that you have to offer that is truly a finite resource. Give people the gift of you. Turn off your phone, computer or whatever else and actually BE with them.

What gifts will you be giving this year that can’t be bought and are uniquely you?

What gift would you hope to receive?

Enjoy your friends, family and other loved ones this holiday season. In related news, be nice to one another 😉



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