Are You Flushing Your Referral Opportunities Down the Drain?

cat toilet

Just about every business person will tell you that referrals and/or word of mouth advertising is the best way to grow a business. The closing % is higher, the cost of acquisition is less, the opportunity to get more referrals is greater. All good things that we should strive for.

But what if you’re not getting the referrals you want, then what? We have to look inward. As much as we like to blame others for our challenges, not getting enough referrals is normally all on us.

I’m going to share with you a list of the likely reasons you’re reading this as opposed to following up with that stellar referral:

At the highest level, not getting referrals is often based on the fact that you really haven’t done the work to create a hyper specific market that you are bringing scalable and repeatable solution to…in other words

You’re too general– This could be because you’re worried about “missing opportunities” by having too specific of an “ASK”. A lot of people have this issue. So at least you’re not alone. Begin to look at “referral getting” akin to playing a game of “go fish”. Paint a picture in your network’s mind of the exact type of people you want to meet. Make it clear, specific and vivid. This will help alleviate:

People don’t understand your value proposition: If you know who you’re targeting and WHY they want to do business with you, it becomes much easier to create an appropriate value proposition. That becomes paramount especially when you’re in a crowded industry from your network’s perspective because…

They know too many people like you: This is likely to be a problem for a lot of you. But when you get really clear and specific about the type of people YOU serve, even your competitors can become referral sources. Think about the Mortgage industry. There are people who LOVE dealing with first time buyers and others…not so much. The clearer and more specific you get, the less this will be a problem:

People don’t know what you do– This really falls into two different categories:

You tell people so much about all the things you do, you’ve muddied the waters and they really don’t know what you do
You don’t tell enough people what you do so they really don’t know what you do. And if this is the case it’s likely that you’ll run into one of three challenges with your network:

1. They don’t know you: It’s really hard to get referrals from people who don’t know you.

2. They don’t like you: Understand there is a difference between don’t like and dislike. The latter presents a whole different set of problems that are similar to

3. They don’t trust you. Trust, it takes a lifetime to build up and a second to destroy.

My good friend and referral marketing expert Bob Burg said it best: “All things being equal, people do business with people they know, like and trust”. If you’re looking for an example of why people may not trust you, perhaps:

You’ve blown too many people off in the past. We’ve all gotten those referral slips and not made the call. Sure it seems harmless, but your network is only so big and people talk.

The last reason I can think of that you may not be getting enough referrals is Maybe you’re not doing what you’re meant to do. There’s a rhythm in life and if you’re not attuned to it, the bonuses of life, like referrals, just don’t come your way.

What of these habits will you be working on?

Who can I refer you to today?

Terry Bean is the Founder of Motor City Connect and a relationship marketing expert. Additionally, Mr. Bean is a very gifted speaker who loves to share his business and personal development wisdom with audiences of all shapes and sizes.

3 great Detroit stations seek a Webmaster

I didn’t post this immediately when I received it and the four days certainly could make a difference in their needs. That being said, this looks to be a really sweet opportunity for the right person. 



Digital Production and Webmaster



LOCATION:              Cumulus Detroit/Fisher Building                   

SUPERVISOR:          Tom O’Brien



SKILLS:         The primary role of the Digital Media Director is to develop, manage, and maintain up-to-date and accurate content on,, and, along with client-sponsored satellite sites and individual page constructs of or relating to radio station promotions.


The Digital Media Director is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day activity within the department, as well as creating new opportunities to generate revenue, and expanding the station’s reach to new audiences.  Candidate would be involved in all cycles of digital production, from idea generation to final production. It is important that this person understands the differences in how each audience group interacts with the product, and can suggest improvements based on that information. Candidates should be driven to produce quality code to ensure compatibility and functionality across the majority of digital platforms, including mobile phones and tablets.





  • Experience writing HTML, CSS, and Javascript to W3C standards
  • Understands fundamentals of cross-browser compatibility
  • Capable of developing print material using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Strong ability to work under pressure while keeping deadlines
  • Strong ability to multitask without affecting performance
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to think critically, creatively, and consistently
  • Ability to quickly troubleshoot and resolve problems in code






JOB SUMMARY:      To maintain the multiple radio stations’ websites with a focus on usability, accuracy and visual appeal. Assist other markets with graphic production, trafficking, and custom pages.



TO APPLY:                Please e-mail resume to ________________or mail to address listed below.

                                    NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!


CONTACT:                Tom O’Brien

                                    Cumulus Detroit

                                    3011 West Grand Blvd Fisher Building

                                    Detroit, Mi 48202


POSTING DATE:      March 7, 2014

REMOVAL DATE:   March 28, 2014





Cumulus is an Equal Opportunity Employer that offers a competitive compensation structure that includes full benefits.


Some tweet sized messages to share regarding #313DLove event

Here are a few easy to share messages regarding the #313DLove event. If you feel inspired post on Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn…that would be AWESOMESAUCE. Love to you!!

Trending worldwide on #Twitter was only the beginning. Join us March 13 to feel that #313DLove.

Suits for Soldiers is proud to be one of the #313DLove charities:

Where TED spreads ideas, #313DLove is about sharing our heart.

Operation: Kid Equip is proud to be one of the #313DLove charities:

The #313DLove event will do a lot of good for some local #Detroit area charities:

If you’ve ever thought “I want to do more” and haven’t done so yet, let #313DLove inspire you.

Blightbusters is proud to be one of the #313DLove charities:

More than just Movers and Shakers, #313DLove is full of Doers and Makers.

If you’re ready to experience more Love than Detroit has shared in years, check out #313DLove.

Did you know Detroit turns 313 years old this year? The party begins March 13 at #313DLove

Project: Forgive is proud to be one of the #313DLove charities:

The #313DLove event will feature leaders in Creativity, Communications and Community.

So excited to partner with the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History for #313DLove

We invite you to share in the #313DLove on March 13.

Beautiful people doing beautiful things make up the docket for #313DLove.

11 gifts you can give while avoiding the Black Friday mess



Black Friday as a concept is crazy to me. I don’t get it. Why do we put so much priority on giving material gifts as opposed to gifts that actually mean something. And the fact that Black Friday now starts on Thursday absolutely chaps my ass. I will not be participating in this atrocity and hope it goes away even faster than it came about.

Not being one to simply point out problems, I also have given some thought to potential solutions. Here is a list of “gifts” you can give that you can not purchase during a Black Friday Sale (even if you started camping out last week like some people have):

10. Form a Photo album- With the sheer amount of photos we have of each other on our phones, on Facebook and in old envelopes, this should be a no-brainer. Pick out some good ones and make a small book. Nothing brings smiles to people’s faces like photos of time gone past that was worth remembering.

9. Orchestrate a Mix tape- Yes, I’m that old that I still call them mix tapes. You can make a mix disk, or a playlist if you’re fancy. Whatever the case, take some of your favorite music, and even better, music that you both love and share it. Music is such a great way to bond and with this shared gift, you will be able to bond again and again.

8. Plant a tree- This is good for the environment and it’s great for creating memories. As an added bonus, it becomes the gift that keeps on giving as you nurture it and watch it grow. 

7. Make a meal- It doesn’t have to be turkey with all the trimmings, it could be as simple as scrambled eggs with cheese (thanks to my lovely daughter for making that on my birthday last week). You will quickly notice a theme in the post, even the execution of these gifts is less important than the intent behind them.

6. Create a Collage- Take some of those pictures off of Facebook, or leaves from the yard, or other personal items that you have collected with your loved one(s) and arrange them on a large piece of construction paper. The story it tells doesn’t matter as long as it shares one about shared experiences.

5. Write or play a song- Don’t know how? Sweet, you’re like many other “Youtube sensations”. Just put together some words, make a nice melody and let it rip. Can’t play an instrument? No worries, sing it acapella. Sometimes, funny is good.

4. Give a Massage- Certainly not appropriate for everyone on your gift-giving list, but for those who are, few things say I care more than some quality touching. (note to self, not all massages with your spouse have to end in sex. They should, but they don’t have to)

3. Create Art- I can’t draw, sing, play an instrument, paint, make sculptures or pretty much anything else that seems artistic, but I can write some cheesy poetry. And you know what? That’s a form of art too. Whatever you’ve got, will be enough to brighten someone’s day.

2. Be of Service- Make a “date” to go do something nice for someone else. This could be a night at the soup kitchen or reading a story at the elderly care home or coaching a little league team. Whatever you do make sure it involves more than just you. Extra points if you can recruit some of your friends/family to serve with you.

1.5 Gift some Donations- What a wonderful way to leave a legacy…give to something bigger than you and the person you are giving to. You both win in this scenario.

1. Be generous with your Time- By far the most important one on the list. This is the only thing that you have to offer that is truly a finite resource. Give people the gift of you. Turn off your phone, computer or whatever else and actually BE with them.

What gifts will you be giving this year that can’t be bought and are uniquely you?

What gift would you hope to receive?

Enjoy your friends, family and other loved ones this holiday season. In related news, be nice to one another 😉



Operation: #floodOKE video with locations

We are doing a “replenish” the school supplies Operation: Kid Equip lost in a flood on July 10 and we need your help.

This link has a list of locations where we will be accepting donations on Wednesday, July 17:

Please show your support!

Thank you!!

Bob Burg

Super excited to be bringing my friend and networking mentor, Bob Burg back to town on June 26th at Lawrence Technological University.

Bob will be sharing his “Endless Referrals: The Go-Giver Way” presentation with an audience of over 200 professionals. This will be a great opportunity to connect with new folks while learning some tips that you can implement immediately.

Here are the highlights of what you’ll learn that day:

  • Quickly cultivate new prospects — whether or not you have ANY existing contacts.
  • Dramatically increase your business without spending more time or money.
  • Instantly connect via what Bob calls, “Feel-Good Questions®.”
  • Instantly deepen that new connection via the “One Key Question” that will set you apart from the rest.
  • Really use social media as a truly effective, profitable, business-building tool.
  • Model the one SECRET all superstar salespeople use to get to the top.
  • And much, much more!

Bob has been teaching people how to network more effectively since the mid-90s and he is regarded as one of the best. You’ll love his style, humor and ability to engage the audience. The information is immediately implementable and it can take your business to the next level.

Buy tickets early and SAVE BIG. We’ve got special pricing from 5/20-5/22. Details will be posted soon.

If you’re interested in seeing a couple of promos you can click HERE to learn about Endless Referrals and HERE to learn about Price vs. Value.

All about remembering names

In my career I’ve done a LOT of networking. In fact, I started a group that has become one of the largest business networking groups in Michigan: Motor City Connect. This experience has led me to a career in speaking. As such I get to meet a lot of people. 

It’s great. I love it. I’m always happy to meet new folks and find out how I can be of assistance. One of the things I’ve noticed along the way is just how much we all enjoy similar things.. Most of have the same favorite topic: ourselves and the same favorite sound: our name. 😉

We also seem to have the same challenge: Remembering people’s names. I hear it all the time. “I have trouble remembering people’s names”. “What’s a good tip to remember people’s names?”

Here’s the truth: you can’t remember something you never knew.

What I mean specifically is that most of us are so busy thinking about what we’re going to say to make a “great first impression” that we aren’t fully focused on the person we’re meeting. 

Picture it, you’re being introduced to someone. Your first thought is how am I going to get this person to like me or get my point across? As those thoughts are spinning through your head the person who is introducing you says their name and then says your name. The sound of your name snaps you back into the moment, but just a second too late. 

You’re faced with a dilemma…do you ask them to repeat their name or do you just carry on? (Pro-tip always ask them to repeat it). Most people are too embarrassed to ask. Believe me it’s a lot worse to not ask.

I have a client who can make sure your name is remembered every time. Want to know how? Get yourself a snazzy engraved name badge. It works like a charm and can extend your brand. Take a look at some of the work Stadium Trophy does with Engraved Name Badges.Go to the site as there are more examples than this…



Here’s another good idea for remembering names. Go check out my friend Michael Angelo Caruso’s blogpost on the topic.

Are you playing this life too small??

I think I am.

Who am I kidding. I know I am. But most of us are, right?

Sure we may have moments of greatness where we feel like we are playing to our full potential. But how often do those really happen? More importantly how do you have more of those? I’m reminded of the line “It only takes 20 seconds of insane courage” from the movie “We Bought a Zoo”. Add that to your daily recipe and see how much further ahead you are in a month and a year.

I think it many ways it comes down to knowing exactly who you are and who you are trying to be.

For most people there is a HUGE difference between the two. How often do we see people with plenty of G-d given talent that isn’t coming close to being realized in their daily life? It’s the same story over and over…”I love to do X, but Y is what pays the bills”. Curse you, you stinking bills!!!!

I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching recently about BEing me and HAVEing what I want. They are both very tied to the DOing, aren’t they? I allow myself to frequently to NOT do the things I know need to be done. It’s because DOing those things is based on HAVEing…not BEing. It’s time to live a life that I will continually feel great about. Interestingly for me, that means helping others live a life they will feel great about too. My goal is to make sure my light shines so brightly that those who aren’t ready for it, may have to look away. Perhaps, those who are ready will step closer.

Part of my challenge will be to continually find new things to fuel that light. Fortunately, Timothy Gay posted an amazing video on Facebook the other day and tagged me. One of the last lines in this video summed up my greatest fears so well. It’s not really about playing too small, it’s about being scared to play too large. Truth is, anyone you’ve ever heard of has this fear and occasionally figures out how to conquer it.

Check out the whole video “The American’T Dream- The Purse Suit of Happyness” by @Sulibreezy. The man is a brilliant spoken word poet who is all kinds of deep. As an added bonus he has a cool accent ;-)

Let me know about the challenges you face and if there is anything I can do to help move you through them.

Be connected-


SEO and Social Media for Detroit Office Furniture Dealers

You think social media is a waste of time? In certain instances, you’re right. Tweeting all day isn’t going to make a significant impact on your business. Neither is chatting with your friends on Facebook. However, using social to search for the right conversations can be very powerful.

The idea of “social networking” has been lumped in to social media and social networking can pay dividends. LinkedIn is a very strong tool for finding the connections you need. Twitter and Facebook can be too. Never forget that people do business with people. And people do frequent all of these social media sites and more.

Another aspect of social media that is important is how it helps increase your SEO ranking. Sure there are lots of ways to increase SEO that us experts know, but one easy way for everyone to succeed is through social. Especially if your business is visual. You can share lots of pictures or even videos.

Lee Steel Corp by FMG

Video is increasingly popular as it allows us to tell stories about our work that have never been told before. The right video can grab your intended audience and get them totally involved!

Additionally, If you google a person who has a completed LinkedIn profile, regardless of how much web stuff they’ve done or how many people have that name their LinkedIn profile will be the first result on page 1. Why? Because Google trusts LinkedIn. Often times their Facebook page and Twitter feed may show up on page 1 too. This is also becoming more true for companies. Your corporate page should show up first and then the rest of your digital footprint will follow. Here’s the thing:

If you’re doing SEO to optimize for your company name you’ve got it all wrong!!

Anyone that’s “searching” for your name already knows your name. You need to optimize for the services you provide, the products you sell and the problems you solve.

Your goal is to be the right answer when someone does a search.

Social media can help you achieve that goal to an extent. Having a company that understands the target audience and what they are seeking whose stay on top of changes at Google is always the right answer.

When you’re ready to enter the world of digital dominance, you’re ready to speak to us.

Really loved the Dodge Charger available at Ray Laethem Motor Village

My friends (and in full disclaimer mode, Clients) at Ray Laethem Motor Village gave me the keys to a shiny black Dodge Charger SXT last week. I took it for a test drive and even though it had the V6 I liked it much better than my 2008 Charger RT.

Here is a video of the 2012 Charger that I took after my drive. In it I talk about the car, it’s features and some of the things that really stood out to me like:

The paddle shifters,

The very smooth 8 speed transmission

The heated and cooled cup holders (loved them)

The over the top cool technology in the Uconnect.

The general styling of the car.

All in all, this is a great ride. And if you click on the link about the Charger SXT you will see the great price offered at Ray Laethem Motor Village.